Major parts of the summer capital, Srinagar, were plunged into darkness while Federation of Chambers of Industries Kashmir (FCIK) has decided to file a petition before J&K State Regulatory Commission against the Power Development Department (PDD) against harsh and discriminatory power curtailment. Power goes off immediately after rain started last night in the major parts of the city, particularly in the uptown town, including Budshah Nagar, Natipora, Azadbasti, Pamposh colony, Chanapora and other areas. After completely dark night, power was restored shortly before noon today. A PDD official said that there was some major fault in the main transmission line at Channapora-Barzulla area. The fault was repaired by the engineers and other workers to restore the power supply. Power supply in the Exhange road area was also disrupted since last night after a local transfer developed some problem. Power supply to UNI and daily Jagran besides other offices remained affected. Meanwhile, contrary claim made by the Chief Engineer of PDD that metered areas are facing only three to four hour power curtailment, power remained off for about five to six hours in these areas. Besides there is unscheduled power cuts daily. Situation in the unmetered areas was more worse. The FCIK president Er Mukhtar Yousuf alleged that due to harsh and discriminatory power curtailment, the industrial units have suffered a great loss. He said the presidents of various estates and district presidents voiced their concern over the production losses of industrial units due to power curtailments and low voltage. They alleged that the industrial units across Kashmir valley are subjected to frequent power curtailments as against 22-hour uninterrupted power supplied to their counter parts in Jammu. Alleging that the units in unorganised sector in the valley are being supplied just 4-hour power supply Er Yousuf accused the PDD of violating the orders of J&K State Electricity Regulatory Commission(SERC) for providing uninterrupted power supply to industrial units. He expressed concern over the inadequate power supply to industry despite assurances given to the organisation by higher authorities in PDD in their recent meetings. A petition will be filed in SERC against discriminatory power supply to industry, he said and claimed that 100 per cent industrial units in the valley are metered and pay tariff regularly to the department.